From the course: Turning Data into Strategies

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Avoid common pitfalls

Avoid common pitfalls

Are you ready to look for a data set and start diving into insights? Not so fast. Let's take a step back and understand some common mistakes that you should avoid in the process of generating insights. First, what's an insight? An insight is a valuable understanding or knowledge gained through the analysis of data, which can be applied to inform decisions and actions. In this lesson, I will help you learn how to avoid three common pitfalls; lack of alignment, neglecting data availability, and ignoring data quality. First pitfall is a lack of alignment. It's really important to match your business goals with what your organization is all about. If they don't line up, you might end up wasting time and effort. Before diving into data goals, have a chat with the main stakeholders in your company to get the big picture. This way, your work will truly support the goals that your company is trying to achieve. Second pitfall is neglecting data availability. The last thing you want is to spend…
