From the course: Streamlining Your Work with Microsoft Copilot

Access the Copilot chat assistant - Microsoft Copilot Tutorial

From the course: Streamlining Your Work with Microsoft Copilot

Access the Copilot chat assistant

- [Presenter] The brand name Copilot is used for many different AI tools offered by Microsoft, but in this course, we are focusing on the copilot chat assistant. I want to show you a few ways to access and use the chat assistant, but before we do this, it's important to know that Microsoft's AI tools have changed many times since they were first introduced. Copilot was once called Bing Chat. It was very similar, but many features have changed and I think there's a good chance that some of the features you'll see in this course will change again, so don't be surprised if things look a little different when you use copilot. Now, probably the most common and easy way to use copilot is to go here, the copilot website, which is Anybody can use copilot here, and up at the top, there is a sign in button. Now, you can use Copilot completely for free, even without signing in, but some features are a bit limited. There's a separate course on LinkedIn learning called What Is Copilot, and that course explains the different types of accounts and paid subscriptions that you can use and the different features they enable. For now, we do not have to sign into an account to see how copilot works. Using the chat field at the bottom, I can ask a question. I'll type, how is the weather in London? And hit the return key and Copilot gives me an answer. As we go through this course, we'll see more interesting and complex requests or questions you can ask, but of course, I can ask follow-up questions and keep the conversation going. Or you can click this new topic button to reset the conversation memory and start a new conversation. Now, this copilot chat site is a great place to start, but there are other places you can access copilot . For the moment, I'm going to navigate to a different webpage. Now, Microsoft Edge is the web browser that comes with Windows and can be installed on a Mac. If you use Microsoft Edge to browse the web, you'll see a copilot button in the top-right corner of the browser window that will open the Copilot panel. Now, this may look different for you if you sign into the Edge web browser with a Microsoft account. Then the type of account you're signed into may enable different features in copilot. But for now, I am not signed into an account, so we're seeing the most basic version of this. At the top, you'll see three tabs. The first one is chat, and that's where you can get started asking questions. To the right of that is the composed tab where you can ask copilot to compose drafts of text, which you can copy and paste and use in other places. We'll explore that later in the course. And if you go to the insights tab, this can give you information about the current webpage that you're looking at. But for now, I'll go back to the chat tab. If you scroll down a bit, you can choose the conversation style. This is going to give you different answers based on those styles. It defaults to the balanced style, which is an informative and friendly chat. The responses are reasonable and fast. You could choose a more creative chat, which is original and imaginative, or you can choose Precise, which gives factual, concise responses, prioritizing accuracy, and you can always play around with these at any time to see which one you prefer. And then finally, down at the bottom, there is the chat field where you can ask your question or make your request. But since we're using the Copilot tab in the Edge web browser, there are some additional features. For example, since I have a webpage open here, I could ask copilot questions about that webpage. I'll ask it to summarize this page, and it gives me that summary so I don't have to read the entire webpage. Finally, if you are using Windows, then you may find Copilot integrated into the Windows interface. Take a look at the task bar at the bottom of the screen. You may have the Copilot button here in the task bar. Now, this may not appear for some users. It will be added in a software update, so make sure you run your Windows updates and check again. When you click this button, it opens a copilot panel in the Windows interface. In addition to all of the normal chat features, you can also ask copilot for information about an application you're using or even ask it to control some features in Windows. In general, you should keep an eye out for the Copilot icon. Copilot tools are available in other applications. Often, it will give you another way to access the AI Chat assistant, but in other cases, it may give you access to other AI tools. In this course, we'll be focusing on the core AI chat tools, and we've seen the three most common places to access the chat assistant.
