From the course: SQL Essential Training

WSDA Music (sample database) - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL Essential Training

WSDA Music (sample database)

- As a kid growing up, I lived in a tough neighborhood called San Juan which is in the eastern part of Trinidad. And even though the environment had its share of turbulence, my mom was my rock that kept things steady. You know, she set an example for me to study and keep my focus on education. That experience plays a major role in why I'm motivated to see you succeed at this course. Beside helping you understand the technical stuff, my purpose is to keep you focused, motivated, and steady through any turbulence in your own environment as you move through the course. In the last chapter, we covered quite a bit of theory, and now that that's done, let's get into some SQL practice. It's time to get familiar with the exercise files for the course and some strategies to help you win with learning SQL. Setting up your environment is a critical first step in learning any new coding language and SQL is no different. The course exercise file is a relational database that belongs to WSDA music, an online retail music company selling popular music. It contains product information like songs and albums, personal customer information, employee records, and sales data. Now, the company management wants to know if their database contains any useful information about sales, customer demographics, and any ways the company can improve or expand their services. You've been given the task of analyzing their data and presenting insights you discover to management. Are you up for the challenge? Let's get started.
