From the course: SQL Essential Training

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Search records without an exact match

Search records without an exact match - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL Essential Training

Search records without an exact match

- [Instructor] Now, so far, we've been responding to quite a number of requests from WSDA Music management and we have been using the EQUAL operator quite a bit because we were searching for exact values. Now in SQL, it is possible to search for partial values. And when we're searching for partial values, we include a new operator called the LIKE operator. Now, this comes in quite handy when we are searching for values that we're not quite sure of or a value is quite likely incorrectly spelled in our database, and we have to resort to such a search to get our results. Now, the management of WSDA Music is interested in how many invoices were billed in the cities that start with B. How will we go about responding to such a request with SQL? So the LIKE operator always works in conjunction with something that's referred to as the wild card character. So above our SQL statement, I'm just going to put a note in the form…
