From the course: SQL Essential Training

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Query composition

Query composition

- [Instructor] Okay, the moment we have been waiting for is here. We get to compose our first SQL statement. So let's do that by first starting up a brand new tab. This icon all the way to the left here is Open Tab. By clicking on that, that gives us a brand new tab. The existing tab that I just had is right here still, but I just have now created a brand new tab and gives us a clean space to start composing our query. Now, jumping right into our best practice, I'm going to start with front slash star, star front slash, and in there I'm going to put my comments, as such, created by, and that will be me, by Walter Shields. You put the create date, and that would be month, followed by day, followed by year. And last but not least, we'll put the description and let's think about what description we're going to put. Well, let's say that we were tasked or asked by management of WSDA Music to give us a list of all the customers…
