From the course: SQL Essential Training

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Next steps and tips

Next steps and tips - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL Essential Training

Next steps and tips

(upbeat music) - And that brings us to the end of the course. In Trinidad and Tobago, we like to celebrate with Soca, Carnival, Steel Drums, limbo, okay, yep, I'm officially on a tangent. The point is you did great but we've only scratched the surface of what SQL has to offer. So by no means is this the end. I encourage you to keep moving forward in your learning journey. You can start by taking my live cohort-based course "SQL Zero to Hero Accelerator." Also, SQL is just one of the data analyst tools that's used to perform analysis. Some complimentary skills and tools you can start learning are Microsoft Excel, used as a data analyst would and Microsoft Power BI, a data visualization tool used to take results of queries like the ones you learned in this course and visualize them in charts and graphs for even deeper analysis. You can also reinforce the materials you learned by getting my best selling book, "SQL…
