From the course: SQL Essential Training

How to access the DB Browser for SQLite software - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL Essential Training

How to access the DB Browser for SQLite software

- Let's get to know DB Browser for SQLite. It's our relational database management system or RDBMS we'll be using for this course. There are a few reasons for choosing this software, but some of the main reasons are: SQLite is a free and open source database management system. Open source just means that the source code for this software is open to the public. DB Browser for SQLite is a visual tool that's used to create, design and edit database files compatible with SQLite. We'll be using DB Browser for SQLite for this course. Again, because it's free, open source easy to install and easy to use. Now let's walk through the main areas of this software so you can become a bit more familiar with it. We'll be stepping through the database structure browse data, and execute SQL tabs. Let's go.
