From the course: SQL Essential Training

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Getting familiar with a database

Getting familiar with a database - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL Essential Training

Getting familiar with a database

- [Instructor] Now that we have loaded our sample database WSDA Music to our database environment, we can now take a look at some of the contents or the available information that's presented to us. Starting with the Database Structure tab. This is one of the main areas that tells us and allows us to get a little more familiar with our database. So, we can tell that there are 11 tables within our database and here they are listed out. One of the key features of this area is the ability to expand these various tables and see what the contents are of each. So with the example of the Album table, I've just expanded that and it shows that there are three fields or columns within this particular table. I can also tell the type of fields that each one of these are by looking under the Type column here. So, the album ID is an integer field and that simply means numeric or numbers are stored in this field. The Title column…
