From the course: Speaking Confidently and Effectively

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Your audience wants you to succeed

Your audience wants you to succeed

- [Diane] Now here's the other thing, Pete, you need to reframe what happens in the moment. So for example, what is the self-talk that you're hearing in your mind when you're watching the audience, too often we give so much power to the audience. We make them our enemy and they're not, they're really on our side. They want us to succeed. So I remember I was speaking at The Voice Foundation and I was talking to speech scientists and doctors and voice therapists on public speaking skills. And I was saying things that were not popular to them. Like, don't read your slides, don't read your research papers. And at one point, this man right in the front, opened his laptop and started typing. And I thought, Oh no, he's bored, he hates what I'm saying. And in that moment I caught myself and I said, no, I think he's taking notes on what I'm saying. Now to this day I don't know what he was doing, but I had a choice…
