From the course: Speaking Confidently and Effectively

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Three ways to handle difficult questions

Three ways to handle difficult questions

From the course: Speaking Confidently and Effectively

Three ways to handle difficult questions

- [Interviewer] I'm thinking one situation that is kind of spooky for people is they get a question, they don't know the answer. Ah! What are your tips for handling that situation? - [Interviwee] Well, the first thing is don't fake it because if somebody in the room knows the answer, you will lose all credibility. Nobody knows everything so you can acknowledge it and you can say something like, "I'm not 100% sure of that, but let me get back to you." And most people will accept that. Another option you have is, if you're in a meeting or an organization and you have a subject matter expert on that, you could deflect it and say, "I'm not 100%sure, but let me turn it over to Pete, 'cause he's really the expert in that." The only downside to that is, number one, you have to make sure that he really, or she really is the expert. And then what happens is, you lose control 'cause the two of them can have a Tete-a-tete. So…
