From the course: Speaking Confidently and Effectively

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Project power with body language

Project power with body language

- [Woman] Some of the basics that can make a big difference, is first of all, make an eye connection. Too often people make what I call eye contact, which is short and fleeting. But when you make an eye connection, you're looking at one person at a time for about a sentence or two, or for about three to five seconds, as if you were having a real conversation, so in a large group, or even a small meeting, when you take the time to really look at someone, it connects with them, and it builds the relationship and it builds trust. So that's the first thing. Another thing is how you use your gestures, your hands. Whether you're seated or standing, you want your hands above the waist and you want to keep them in the box, the gesture box. And that is, that your power space is from your face to your waist. So get your hands waist-high as soon as possible. If you're sitting at a meeting table, put your hands on the table…
