From the course: Speaking Confidently and Effectively

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Plan for your biggest fears

Plan for your biggest fears

- [Interviewer] When it comes to the preparation being 90% of the game, I'd love to get your take on kind of just how much time does it take to prepare? How do when you are prepared? Because I think that it's quite common for folks to say, okay, hey, I made my slides, I know my slides, I've ran through them one time, I'm prepared. What's the bar for checking the box, yes, preparation has happened? - [Interviewee] Well, I do it several times, and here's a tip. If you're going to go into a room that you're not in normally, get there an hour early and practice in the room. There is something about practicing in the room that makes it go even more smoothly. If you have that opportunity, it's a great thing to do. Here's what I will say, there is so much that goes into a presentation. So you went through your slides once? Well, good, I hope that was enough for you. But you want to consider everything. Here's the other thing,…
