From the course: Speaking Confidently and Effectively

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Identify a need or challenge

Identify a need or challenge

- [Man] You start with a hook in terms of what they really care about. And then could you spell out a few of the pieces that come after that? - [Woman] Well, sure. First, you want to get attention. So you want to start with something positive, what's the dream? What's the goal? And then the next step is to ask yourself, what's in the way of that goal? What's the roadblock? What's standing in the way? And then what you're doing is you're leading them to understand that there's a need or problem so now you can bring in your recommendation. Because here's what we learn in sales training, until someone recognizes that there is a need or a challenge, they don't have any reason to buy or to act. So we really need to paint a picture of that need or that current situation. Only then are they open to hearing your solution. And then you need to talk about the benefits to them not to you. - [Man] Mm hmm. - [Woman] Here's…
