From the course: Speaking Confidently and Effectively

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Change your focus to calm your nerves

Change your focus to calm your nerves

From the course: Speaking Confidently and Effectively

Change your focus to calm your nerves

- [Female Speaker] Here's what I know. If you are nervous, you are being self-centered because it's all about me, myself and I. Oh, I hope I don't trip. Oh, I hope I don't lose my train of thought. Get over yourself. It's not about you. It's about the audience. Change your focus, change the picture that's in your mind. That's the first step. And when I work with people, I work in two ways with skillset and mindset, but first mindset, because fear and anxiety begin in the mind. I know that if you're nervous and I'm not talking about the little butterflies, we all get a little bit of that. But if you are really nervous, it means that you're living in the future. You are envisioning everything that can go wrong. So what you need to do is come back to the present and be here with the audience. And the best way to bring yourself into the present is to focus on your breath. So we work on breathing exercises to get…
