From the course: Speaking Confidently and Effectively

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Align your body, tone, and words

Align your body, tone, and words

- [Female Speaker] Speaking is such an important skill. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to your career. The whole idea of executive presence, you will be judged on your executive presence. How do you come across visually? How are you dressed? How is your tone of voice? How do you use language? But most importantly, I've found one of the keys to success in executive presence is people who have executive presence are fully aligned with their body, their tone and their words. What that means is, their body, tone and words are giving off one consistent message. Because when one of these goes out of sync, now you've given off a double message. The audience gets confused. And so then body language becomes the default. So work on these three areas so that you're congruent and that's what builds credibility. And that's what builds trust and ultimately confidence. - [Male Speaker] And that makes a lot of sense in…
