From the course: Smarter Note-Taking with Microsoft 365

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Create Microsoft Teams tasks

Create Microsoft Teams tasks

- [Instructor] You can manage your individual tasks as well as your shared tasks all in one place, and that's right here in Microsoft Teams. This is the space that's intended to be your hub for collaborating and communicating across your organization, whether that's just with small groups within your department or division or even cross-functional types of group within your organization. So think of all of the work that you do and those tasks that you have that also work in the same way, the things that you manage on your own or the things that are part of a program project or something larger that needs more visibility by everyone. You can work with tasks here in Teams to help you keep track of all of that. The first thing you're going to need to do is install the Planner app. For this, we're going to go to the ellipses here on the rail. That's the More added apps menu, we'll select this. And we don't see Planner…
