From the course: Shooting Video with an iPhone

Telling your story with video - iOS Tutorial

From the course: Shooting Video with an iPhone

Telling your story with video

- I thought I would share a little bit about my story and some of the footage that you're going to see inside of this course. So I live in an area called Simcoe County. It's in Ontario, Canada, and my wife and I love to go out for dinner. Just so happens we had an amazing experience, probably about two months ago now, at a restaurant called The Pine, and this is the reason why Jeremy here, sitting to my left, is here with me. After having this incredible dinner, not to mention kind of falling in love with some of the elements within his restaurant, I reached out to him and asked him if he would like to be a part of this course. With that said, Jeremy, you know, tell me a little bit about yourself and what The Pine's all about. - So yeah, I own The Pine with my wife, Cassie. We opened about three years ago in August, 2020, and we've kind of been doing tasting menus for the last three years, trying to explain and convey to our guests our experiences throughout our career. - You were mentioning, so this is like since 2020, you've been in this place, and if I'm correct, in the next little while, there will be another Pine that's slightly expanded. - Yeah, so- - Tell me about that. - Essentially the New Pine is, we're growing a little bit because this space is just a little bit too small for us, and when we came back from China, we wanted to first kind of test the waters and see if this area was kind of ready for something like this. And so it's been a success. We love the area and we love supporting our community and kind of just wanted to get a little bit bigger, and continue doing what we do. - Very cool. - Yeah. - [Interviewer] So when someone comes through this door, or let's say even to the door of the new restaurant, what story do you want to tell them and what do you want them to keep in mind as they walk through? - Number one, in order to come to our restaurants, you have to have an open mind, that's just number one. It's because we can bring 50% and then the other 50% comes from the guest. So your entire experience is essentially from the guest. And what we try and do is we try very hard to make people present and enjoy the experience that they're in, but it's a very hard thing to do, yeah, yeah. - I could imagine. (laughs) - Yeah, it's very hard. (chuckles) - Well, I'm excited for people to see some of the behind the scenes here at this restaurant, not to mention in action, and we will go through that over the next couple of movies.
