From the course: Selenium Essential Training

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Using wildcards

Using wildcards

- [Instructor] Using child nodes are helpful when it is difficult to find a unique and descriptive locator for an element. There are a couple ways in which we might want to go about finding child nodes. Either using the child node which is a node directly under another node or the nth-child which is used when there are multiple nodes at the same level under another node. I'll first talk about an example of finding a child node. Take for example the following HTML where there is a div tag and directly under that, an a tag. To find the child element the selector would be driver.findElement(By.cssSelector, and inside of quotes, taking the top-level tag name, div, hashtag, parent space a to specify the child node there. Next I'll show an example of using the nth-child. This is particularly helpful when there are a list of elements and we particularly want to find one element within the list. So take for example the…
