From the course: Selenium Essential Training

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Using WebDriver

Using WebDriver

- [Narrator] This video is all about understanding how and when to use Selenium WebDriver. I will also cover how it works under the hood. The goals of WebDriver are to help developers and testers quickly and easily write automated tests. Also, to maintain a standardized API that is friendly to use. And the last goal, is to emulate actions of users such as clicking and typing. This helps to make test writing with WebDriver very straight forward. WebDriver is great for testers who want to save time manually testing so they can focus on additional types of testing. It also enables developers to have confidence in testing to know they aren't introducing regressions. WebDiver is the perfect option for those who have a need to test their web applications across multiple browsers and platforms. There is also a lot of customization to use the WebDriver API, which makes it a very powerful testing framework. If you need an automated web test, WebDriver is definitely the way to go. Selenium…
