From the course: Selenium Essential Training

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Run in CI (continuous integration) servers

Run in CI (continuous integration) servers - Selenium Tutorial

From the course: Selenium Essential Training

Run in CI (continuous integration) servers

- [Instructor] Continuous integration is your friend. It provides continuous feedback that tests are working and validates that the functionality of the application is working as expected. Luckily, there are many continuous integration servers that integrate well with Selenium WebDriver and can be run automatically on a regular basis. I want to share a few continuous integration servers that I recommend. First up, there's CircleCI. CircleCI is a cloud service that supports GitHub projects and all major programming languages. CircleCI is a flexible tool that offers support to run jobs concurrently up to 16 parallel builds, each isolated in their own container. The basic plan is free to get started with. Next up is Jenkins. Jenkins is a great open-source CI tool written in Java that can be hosted locally or remotely. It is a cross-platform tool that offers configuration both through a GUI interface as well as console commands. It remains to be one of the best solutions out there…
