From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

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Using search in Salesforce

Using search in Salesforce

- [Instructor] If you're looking for a specific company or person, you can search for that customer using global search. This field here at the top of every page, this is global search. Start to type the name and Salesforce will recommend relevant recent records right here under the search box. If one of those is a match, click on it and you'll be taken to the record. If the record that you're looking for is not listed here, click enter to execute the search and you're taken to the search results page. This page lists search results for the objects that you access most often. The results are grouped by object. You can click on the account name or contact name, any of these underlined links, these are clickable. Click and you'll be taken to the record. If you do not see the record that you're looking for, you may need to click show more to see more results. This left panel will show the total number of records found…
