From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

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Use simple account and contact reports

Use simple account and contact reports - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

Use simple account and contact reports

- [Instructor] Let's look at how to navigate the Reports tab and access the reports that have been created for you. When you click on the Reports tab, you're taken to this list of recently viewed reports. So if you've never viewed a report, this page will be blank, but don't let that throw you off. Over on the left are the other lists of reports that you'll have access to, ones that you created, any that are stored in your private reports folder. This one is reports that are available to all users in your company as a public report, et cetera. Each one of these rows is a report and you can see the name of the report, the description of the data that's included in that report, the folder where it's stored, and some of the other columns of information. Clicking on the name of the report brings up the report. I'm going to choose this report of My Contacts Grouped by Account name. On this report, I can see that there are a total…
