From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

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- [Jamie] You have been on quite a Salesforce journey. So what's next? I have a few suggestions. If you're starting a new job or your company is rolling out Salesforce and you need to master Salesforce quickly, plan to log in first thing every morning. Plan out your day within Salesforce. Using the system every day to tackle your client work will help this become second nature. If you're learning Salesforce because you're considering a career change, welcome, Trailblazer. There are so many great resources to support you. I encourage you to get involved in a community user group in your local area. The Salesforce Trailblazer Community is incredibly generous and supportive, especially on the socials. And of course, feel free to find me on LinkedIn or Twitter and the other places that I pop up online. This is Jamie Grettum saying thank you and I hope to see you again.
