From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

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Manage activities to move deals forward

Manage activities to move deals forward - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

Manage activities to move deals forward

- [Presenter] Let's talk about a very common expectation in sales that you log all of your client activity. I know but Salesforce makes it easy. In this video, we'll focus on logging all your activity for opportunities but everything I'm about to show you can be done on leads, contacts, the account record or even a custom work process that you manage using Salesforce. I'm showing one of my opportunity records. You've probably noticed that the most prominent area on this layout is the activity tab. This is how it's set up by default. Your actual layout may look different or it may have other options but this is a pretty common layout. On the activity tab, you can see all the interactions that we consider activity, tasks, logged calls, events. Events just means meetings in Salesforce Lingo and emails. The activity timeline will show activities that are planned or that have already been completed. And at the top of this…
