From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

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How to use opportunity reports and dashboards

How to use opportunity reports and dashboards - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

How to use opportunity reports and dashboards

- [Instructor] We've talked about the importance of opportunities and keeping that data up to date. This is why. Sales leadership uses the data from all opportunities to analyze the strength of your company's pipeline. I'm showing an opportunity dashboard. This is the type of information that's reviewed and discussed by sales leadership. You likely have access to something similar for your region or for your opportunity data. I have a few tips for you about navigating dashboards and reports for opportunities and basically everything I'm about to show you applies to dashboards and reports for leads, as well. First, if you have a series of reports that you access often, consider combining them into a dashboard. This way, you can quickly get a top line view of the data, and you can easily click into each report to continue your analysis. If you have a dashboard that you reference often, clicking this star will add it to your…
