From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

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How to create accounts

How to create accounts

- [Instructor] Accounts is where we view all the details about the companies we do business with. To see the account records, navigate to the Accounts tab and you can select one of these list views. You likely have a standard list view like Recently Viewed or My Accounts. That will list the account records where you are the owner. Click into one of the account records. At a glance, you can see important details up in this area. You can see recent and upcoming tasks and meetings for this customer and the tools to create a new task or take other action. Over here is the list of contacts, the people I work with, over at this customer, and all their opportunities and the cases that we've resolved for them. And on this Details tab is where I can see all the details, company size, annual revenue, addresses. So there's a lot of detail about this customer available from the account record. And it's easy to jump to all the other…
