From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

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How Salesforce organizes your customer data

How Salesforce organizes your customer data - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

How Salesforce organizes your customer data

- [Presenter] If you've used other CRMs, you know that customer information is categorized in some way. In Salesforce, we call our data categories objects. And you've seen terms like these, leads, accounts, contacts, these are our data categories, our objects. There are more objects that are used by other types of Salesforce users in marketing or customer support. In this course, we focus on these objects since these are the ones that sales users access the most. I also included a feature on this list, reports and dashboards. Cases are customer support issues that need a resolution. I want to start with an explanation of what each of these is used for and how they all work together. So Salesforce started as a platform used by companies that sold to other companies and the data model still reflects that. So the business that we sell to that's our account. In the data model, the account object is where we store all the…
