From the course: R for Data Science: Analysis and Visualization

Using the exercise files

- [Instructor] If you have access to the exercise files for this course, then you can download them to your desktop as I've done here. When you open the Exercise Files folder, you'll see three folders. The first one has the code. These are the R scripts that I'll use inside the course. The second is for data. I have a dataset that I'm using as an example in two different formats, in CSV and Excel format, as well as a code book that explains what each of the variables means. There's also an output folder. Now, right now, that's empty but you could save any images or other files you create. And in addition to these, there is a LearningR README that gives a short explanation of these same things I just showed you, as well as a LearningR.R project file. This is something that helps organize the documents in the software RStudio that we'll be using. If you don't have access to the exercise files, that's okay. You can still follow along by watching how I use the course files.
