From the course: R for Data Science: Analysis and Visualization

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The tidyverse

The tidyverse

- [Instructor] Packages give R its amazing flexibility and power but to benefit from a package, the extra code that gives extra functions to R, you first have to install it, which means putting it on your computer and load it, which means making it active in R's memory. Let me show you how to do both of these by working with a package that I normally use in my own work called pacman, which is short for package manager to package that allows you to work with other packages. A very Meta thing. And I use it, but because it sometimes creates complications in other environments, I'm leaving it out for this time around. Now, if your code uses a package when it's not installed, RStudio will give you this warning in yellow and you can simply click Install and it will take care of it. Or you can make sure to install it by using the install.packages command. And I'm going to do that right here and I want to show you that…
