From the course: R for Data Science: Analysis and Visualization

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Creating histograms

Creating histograms

- [Lecturer] When dealing with quantitative data that is measured things that are on an interval or ratio scale, it's often best to start with histograms as a way of getting a feel for the entire distribution. To do this, I'm going to first load the tidyverse and I'm going to load our dataset. And so we've got our dataset right here with it's character variables and it's double precision variables. And let's come down and get a little bit of information about histogram. So I do question mark hist and it tells us some of the options and some of the directions that are available for histograms. But let me demonstrate this by simply doing a default histogram where I choose the variable data science from df. So what this is, is the relative popularity of data science as a Google search term in the 48 Contiguous United States over the last five years. So I'm going to run that one. And here we have our default histogram.…
