From the course: Python Essential Training

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Wrap up

Wrap up

- So long, Farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu. If you enjoyed this course, please leave a review, and if you didn't enjoy the course, well, hey, at least you know Python now, right? From here, your journey depends on what skills you're trying to acquire. If you're looking to enhance your foundational Python skills, I recommend picking a project you're interested in and just trying to build it. See what you get. To show off and track your changes, host it on GitHub. If you're pretty comfortable with what you've learned here, what do you need? Data science, web apps, automation? Python has you covered. There's no better data science library than scikit=learn. Combine it with data structures from Pandas or the Python Data Analysis Library, and you'll be a professional data wizard \in no time. If you want to build the next big app, Flask makes it fast and easy to build scalable rest APIs. The project is very intuitive and…
