From the course: Python Essential Training

Who this course is for - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python Essential Training

Who this course is for

- Python is one of the best introductory programming languages because of its intuitive syntax, wide popularity, ease of use, and similarity to other programming languages. This makes it not only easy to learn, but easy to port your Python skills over to other languages you might want to program with in the future. It's an excellent gateway language, and this is why it was so important for me when designing this course to make it accessible to non-programmers. Of course, there's a wide range of skills between someone who's just not a programmer and, say, someone who struggles to get their printer to work. Wait a minute, I struggled to get my printer to work. "Can't locate printer," but I put the internet cable in. "Calibrating ink cartridges." It's been doing this for 20 minutes now. Should I try restarting it? I don't know. It seems so busy. What is it doing? What is it thinking? On second thought, let's forget the printer thing. Well, are you familiar with your operating system and its structory structure? When you download a file, you know where it goes. You know what the file extension means and how to unzip files. Maybe you've used your terminal or command line a little bit. You have some idea about how the internet works, how your browser fetches data from a remote server. Maybe you've written some HTML or even set up your own router. You know, in order to control the machines, you're going to have to have some understanding of them. A strong background in logic and mathematics or at least a willingness to learn will also be useful. And if you've done some programming or front end development before, great. Some of this might be review, but having knowledge about how these concepts work in other programming languages will be a huge asset for this course. This course was designed to be viewed sequentially with each segment building on the previous one and lots of references to what we did in the past. We're going to be starting from foundations and working up to give you a strong programming background. If you really want to dig into Python and understand what makes it tick, you'll get out of this course what you put into it. I especially recommend that you do the challenges. Each one presents a bite-sized math or computer science concept that programmers work with every day. You might breeze through some of these, and you might find some of the challenges, well, challenging, but whatever you do, don't be afraid to do it at your own pace. Pause, rewatch, give yourself time. I also recommend that you set aside time for practice and review. Look at it this way. This series is about 4 1/2 hours long. If you're starting from scratch, it will probably take more than 4 1/2 hours of video watching to become a proficient programmer. And listen, if you're serious about learning Python, don't let the warnings in this video constrict you too much. You know, constrict, like a python. Actually, nevermind. I'm just saying, you'll be fine. Pythons don't bite, do they?
