From the course: Python Essential Training

Resources for this course - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python Essential Training

Resources for this course

- [Instructor] There's a lot of virtual paperwork with this course to help guide you on your Python journey. Let me lay it out for you. First, we have the Python Reference Guide. If you get lost and need to look something up, I've created a document that contains a quick reference to just about every major data type, function, and operation that we cover in this course. Keep it open as you code, and you may find that it helps things go more smoothly as you get used to working with Python. Then we have the handout. This is a list of all my favorite resources for Python learning, with a focus on where to go after this course. You can find information about advanced Python topics as well as complimentary courses that focus on the basics. Finally, those exercise files that I mentioned previously. You can find them all on GitHub or in the Exercise folder, downloadable somewhere on your screen right now. Each exercise file or directory corresponds to the chapter and section number, so 02_01 is the code we wrote during chapter two, video one. And if you need a bit of help finding your way, those instructions are also on the GitHub Read me. So that's it, the Python Reference Guide, the handout, and the exercise files. Now that the paperwork's out of the way, let's go gear up for Python.
