From the course: Python Essential Training

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Jupyter notebooks

Jupyter notebooks

- [Instructor] We're going to be using Jupyter Notebooks for most of this course, and after all the work of installing it, you might be thinking, "What's this good for? "Why are we doing this?" Well, I'll tell you. Project Jupyter is a nonprofit organization that makes Python tools for programming and data science, and one of their best known tools is Jupyter Notebook, a web application that allows you to write and run Python programs in your browser rather than in the command line. When you run Jupyter Notebook from the command line, what you're really doing is starting a web application server running on your computer. So you start it, wait a second, it starts up and opens automatically in the browser. If the webpage doesn't open automatically for whatever reason, you can copy paste this URL here or this one, these are actually the same URL, and just open it up in your browser. So here we see a list of files.…
