From the course: Python Essential Training

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Installing Python, Pip, and Jupyter Notebooks

Installing Python, Pip, and Jupyter Notebooks - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python Essential Training

Installing Python, Pip, and Jupyter Notebooks

- [Instructor] This is the part of the course where knowing your way around a computer is going to come in handy. Every computer operating system and file configuration is different. These things get updated and changed all the time, and while I hope your installation goes flawlessly, I can't guarantee it. To assist with any road bumps, I've created a Troubleshooting document in the Exercise Files that goes over everything step by step, and also includes a link to the Troubleshooting Wiki on GitHub. If you go through all of these and you still think that your problem is unique, hit me up in the Q&A section on the Course page. I may add your problem and the solution to the Troubleshooting Wiki to help people out in the future. Can't find the Exercise Files? They're on the Overview tab of the Course page or you can get to them from the GitHub link. If you don't know how to use GitHub tools, on the GitHub page, you can just go to Code and then Download ZIP. Make sure that you unzip the…
