From the course: Python Essential Training

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Dictionary comprehensions

Dictionary comprehensions - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python Essential Training

Dictionary comprehensions

- [Instructor] Dictionary comprehensions are used to generate dictionaries from iterable structures. Just like list comprehensions create a new list, a dictionary comprehension creates a new dictionary. I'll show you a basic example. So here we have a list of tuples that we'll be using as our key value pairs. Remember, tuples work just like lists, except that you can't alter the value of tuples once they've been declared. And we can create a dictionary from this list of tuples like this, animals equals item 0 colon item 1 for item in animalList. And there we see our dictionary. There's this familiar for item in list statement exactly the same in both list and dictionary comprehensions, but now we need to define both the key and the value separated by a colon instead of just a single value like we did for the list comprehension. And of course, this dictionary comprehension is surrounded with the curly braces, just like…
