From the course: Python Essential Training

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About the challenges

About the challenges

- Hi. So in upcoming challenges, you're going to be on your own with CoderPad. I'm sorry, no friendly videos of me cheering you on. Just click over to the challenge, and you get your CoderPad screen, just you and the open code. But here and now, I've made an exception to give you a little, well, heads-up. If you've never programmed before, this first challenge might be daunting. You may stare at CoderPad, drawing a blank, unable to even write that first line. So, how do you deal with this? First, relax, it's normal. It's not because you haven't learned any Python or you're unprepared for the challenge. It's because writing a new program is a new and weird way for your brain to work that it's never had to do before. This course is, what, 4 1/2 hours long? You're not going to go from zero to programmer in the time it takes you to watch two feature-length movies. And yeah, you've been watching me write programs. I make it look super easy, right? Well, I've been doing this for 20 years…
