From the course: Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT


- In this one, we're going to look at personas. Asking ChatGPT to adopt a persona means telling ChatGPT who we want it to be before asking it to perform a task. Let's have a look at a task. We're going to ask ChatGPT to talk about Grafana, which is an open source analytics tool. And in the first example, we'll tell ChatGPT, "You are a marketing expert specializing in B2B cloud observability. Write an email to a CTO of a small startup explaining the benefits of using Grafana." In the second one, we say, "You are an IT consultant specializing in cloud observability. Write an email to a CTO of a small startup explaining the benefits of using Grafana." Just like in other prompt engineering techniques, giving lots of context and being very detailed in your instructions is helpful. So let's go ahead and use this first prompt. I'll head over to ChatGPT, and I'll use three quotes as my delimiters. Go ahead and copy this right here, this beginning right here. As you can see, ChatGPT is trying to market Grafana in this one. It's using language that's meant to convince someone to use Grafana. Now I'm going to clear this chat and try the other prompt. In this one, it's an IT consultant, so what would we expect the results to be? Again, I'll use three quotes as my delimiters. I'll go ahead and grab this portion of a Wikipedia article. Now, while this still recommends Grafana, because we asked it to explain the benefits of using Grafana, it's using language like, "Implementing Grafana can elevate your startup's observability capabilities." And when we go back to the previous one, the marketing language says, "Choosing Grafana means investing in your startup's future." It appeals to someone more as a customer. The marketing persona's email title is "Elevate Your Startup's Performance with Grafana's Advanced Observability." While the consultant's email title is "Enhance your Startup's Monitoring and Visualization with Grafana." So both of them are recommending it, but the approach is slightly different. Keep in mind, there are endless personas you can give ChatGPT, and this can help you tailor your response very effectively. Asking ChatGPT to adopt a persona can be a very concise way of receiving a certain type of input, whereas describing the same input without a persona would be much less efficient.
