From the course: Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT

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Challenge: Enrich a DALL-E prompt

Challenge: Enrich a DALL-E prompt - ChatGPT Tutorial

From the course: Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT

Challenge: Enrich a DALL-E prompt

(light upbeat music) - [Ronnie] It is time for a little challenge and in this one, we're going to create a little sticker or a logo for a team of prompt engineers. This team is the learners in this course, and once you're done, I would really want to see what you've created. So go ahead and share it on LinkedIn with the hashtags #AI and #LearnTechwithLinkedIn and @Ronnie Sheer. I've seen many creations from students in previous courses and it really brings me lots of joy to see people putting these techniques to work. So I'll see you in the next one with the solution.
