From the course: Project Management: Healthcare Projects

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Your healthcare management tool kit

Your healthcare management tool kit

- Congratulations, you've finished the course and you're armed with the information you need to successfully deliver healthcare projects. I can't think of a project environment that creates as many positive impacts for people as healthcare projects. I'm happy you've decided to prepare yourself through this course. But keeping up to date is a continuous process. Regulations and standards change and new medical equipment is released all the time. How to house and manage this equipment and stay in compliance with standards requires conversation with key stakeholders, equipment vendors, and performing online research. Remember, I've included AI queries within the exercise files accompanying this course. Using those going forward can help ensure you'll be current on local healthcare standards, regulations, facility requirements, and equipment testing procedures. My final recommendation for you is this. Don't go at this alone. Healthcare is a challenging environment and responding to those…
