From the course: Project Management: Healthcare Projects

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Using funds

Using funds

- Natasha Munson, motivational speaker and author of "Life Lessons for my Sisters," has said, "Money, like emotions, is something you must control to keep your life on the right track." I think at some point she must have served as a healthcare project manager. Earlier, we talked about the need to track the source of funds, restrictions on the use of those funds, and controlling where those funds were spent. This is necessary to meet the conditions with which funds are allocated to your project. Unfortunately, project funds sometimes get allocated outside of stated restrictions, or for processes that are deemed out of bounds. While typically the motivation for doing so has good intentions and is usually for things people believe are best, others are the result of poor judgment. To help avoid these issues, it's prudent to be aware of common instances where healthcare funds are used improperly. That way you're more likely to avoid issues while allocating project funds. Also, you can…
