From the course: Project Management: Healthcare Projects

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- While developing this course, I've experienced particularly changeable weather, hot and dry, cool and breezy, storms that come and go quickly and sometimes steady rain. I've been laughing at myself about how often I'm looking at my weather radar app on my phone. What am I striving for with all that looking? Transparency. I want to know what's going on and what to expect. Transparency in healthcare is similar. People want to know what's going on and what to expect from the treatments they receive. According to the Harvard Business Review, "transparency in healthcare refers to the openness and honesty in sharing information related to healthcare services including treatment options, costs, potential risks and realistic outcomes." That means that we need to focus on transparency whenever a project affects the way a doctor treats patients or a hospital checks in or discharges patients or medicines are recommended. The products of our healthcare projects need to support the patient…
