From the course: Project Management: Healthcare Projects

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Total cost of ownership

Total cost of ownership

- Almost all healthcare initiatives involve dealing with medical equipment. Types of machinery include scanners, MRI machines, x-ray machines, operating room equipment, rehabilitation equipment, and patient monitoring tools. It's a long list. Evaluating the total cost of ownership, not just the purchase price, is essential for prudent financial management. Let's explore those additional costs so you can consider the total cost of owning a piece of medical equipment. When obtaining equipment, a purchase versus lease analysis should be performed to determine the best solution for your project. Regardless of the approach, you'll also need to plan for upgrades to the equipment to ensure they maintain the minimum regulatory safety standards. Even with a lease, you may have to pay for upgrades. Make sure you read the fine print to understand the nuances of any lease agreement. For equipment that requires 24/7 availability, you'll need to have at least two machines to ensure one is always…
