From the course: Project Management: Healthcare Projects

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The regulatory environment

The regulatory environment

- In his book, "Essentials of Health Policy and Law," Joel B. Teitelbaum says that, "Health policies and laws have become an inescapable and critical component of our everyday lives." There's too much at stake to be casual about the products and services we produce via healthcare projects. So regulation helps, but it doesn't make things easy. Let's look at common regulations that have a bearing on project deliverables. Managing patient healthcare data requires your undivided attention. How data is created, stored and shared is highly regulated. Data cannot be distributed, even to other recognized medical organizations, without meeting strict encryption requirements. This protects the privacy of healthcare patients and creates situations where project deliverables need to be carefully designed. Data management regulations affect how you manage processes at medical check-in desks, when referrals to specialist doctors are necessary, and even how medical data is provided to patients…
