From the course: Project Management: Healthcare Projects

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Managing passionate stakeholders

Managing passionate stakeholders

- I define passion as a state or outburst of strong emotion. Be ready, as there'll be lots of passion on your healthcare project. Having passionate stakeholders is a lucky thing, as it means they're engaged, but it can also bring risk. You can expect your stakeholders to be excruciatingly busy and highly intelligent. Some will have compassion that oozes out of them, and others will focus on financial or procedural efficiency. How do we bring this mix of personalities together to achieve the goals of the project? First, you'll need to identify your stakeholder groups. For example, you may have doctors, support staff, including nurses, administrators, and technicians. You'll also have medical specialists, such as anesthesiologists, patients, family members, the community at large, regulatory organizations, IT specialists, facility experts, and funding donors. Next, you'll need to understand the needs or expectations of each group, ensuring alignment with the project's scope and…
