From the course: Project Management: Healthcare Projects

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Intent versus regulations

Intent versus regulations

- Regulation is important to protect data and ensure the best healthcare outcomes. But there are times when positive intent and the restrictions imposed by regulations create clashes and ethical questions. As healthcare processes and systems are implemented via projects, you should plan for these potential ethical quandaries. Work with your stakeholders and determine how they want your project deliverables to handle these potentially tricky situations. First, there's the transfer of data for referrals. When timing is critical, the transfer of data from one medical facility to another, to a specialist, for example, can be problematic. If systems aren't in place, a non-encrypted transfer of data, such as using a fax machine or simple email may be viewed as a quick alternative while doing so conflicts with regulations. If a medical situation requires speed, should this be allowed? That's up to your stakeholders. It's best to seek their input and design systems and processes to conform…
