From the course: Project Management: Healthcare Projects

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Equipment management

Equipment management

- I've mentioned medical equipment a lot in this course, and for good reason. It's hard to find a healthcare project that doesn't involve medical equipment situations. It reminds me of Sisyphus, the figure from Greek mythology who was forced to repeatedly push a boulder up a hill only for it to roll down every time he reached the top. My intent here is to ensure you don't feel like Sisyphus and you deal with equipment situations proactively and only deal with them once on each project. So I want to recap all my concerns about medical equipment here with some additional background depth and things to be on the lookout for. We talked about ensuring you can accommodate the size, weight, and power needs to meet equipment requirements. Note, these do change over time, so get the latest specifications. Also, you must ensure the rooms where equipment is housed include doors so the equipment can be moved into the room. Also, proper shielding in the walls, floor, and ceiling are necessary to…
