From the course: Project Management: Healthcare Projects

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Duty of care

Duty of care

- As we've emphasized, your project will need to adhere to healthcare standards based on local, national, and international standards. Beyond that, however, as project managers, we need to be mindful of the care patients need when they arrive at or contact a medical facility. Exercising a duty-of-care is intended to improve healthcare outcomes and patient safety. Let's focus on common duty-of-care considerations and how they apply to your project deliverables. Have you thought about what patients really want from a medical center? Most people are busy and want to make good use of their time. I can't think of a patient I've encountered that didn't prefer getting to the doctor's office and not having to wait. So, to support this, have you built in an automated portal where the patient can see the wait time for their doctor? It may not be a hundred percent accurate, but it's certainly better than going to the medical center and having to wait over 45 minutes to see a doctor. Some people…
