From the course: Project Management: Choosing the Right Online Tool

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Overview of Smartsheet

Overview of Smartsheet

- [Instructor] Smartsheet is a cloud based app that uses a spreadsheet format to support work management, project management, requests, workflows and more. It's powerful and customizable, which is a good thing because you'll need templates and customization to obtain a lot of project management functionality. When you create a project, you can view it in several ways. The Gantt view has a table on the left. You can create an add whatever columns you need. The timeline on the right shows task bars, task dependencies and can show the critical path. For iterative and agile approaches, the card view looks like a Kanban board. You can customize the task status list to show tasks by status. I added ready for test to this card view. The grid view is a straight table or you can choose calendar view to see tasks on a calendar. Smartsheet provides templates to help you get started. So, if I click file and then create new and…
