From the course: Project Management: Choosing the Right Online Tool

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Best feature of Smartsheet: Viewing and working with data

Best feature of Smartsheet: Viewing and working with data

From the course: Project Management: Choosing the Right Online Tool

Best feature of Smartsheet: Viewing and working with data

- Rather than one best feature, Smartsheet offers several handy features for viewing and working with your data. When you turn on resource management in projects, and then assign people to tasks, you can see whether they're over-allocated and when. For example, to see when resources are over-allocated, use the project resource view. Go up to the top right and click the icon. That displays the project resource view, and you can scroll through to see how much people are allocated and when. If they're over-allocated, the bars show up in red. To resolve the issues, you can filter by the project resource. So for example, I'm going to right-click assign to, and then choose filter on the pop-up menu. In this case, I'm going to go to assign to and I'm going to put in my name. That filters the list so I can see all the tasks that I'm assigned to. Then, when you look at the task, you can decide maybe you want to reassign a task…
